元々あったGitHubリポジトリはアーカイブし、今後はデータ分析ライブラリADAPTの一機能としてメンテナンスを続ける。ADAPTの一部として配布することになるので、クローンすると余計なコードがくっついてきてしまうが、#include <OpenADAPT/Plot/Canvas.h>
あとは細かいところで言えば、plot::color = "light-red"
、plot::pointtype = 7
、plot::style = Style::steps
例.1 散布図、可変サイズ
int main() { std::vector<double> longitudes{ 141.3469, 140.74, 141.1526, 140.8694, 140.1023, 140.3633, 140.4676, 140.4468, 139.8836, 139.0608, 139.6489, 140.1233, 139.6917, 139.6423, 139.0235, 137.2113, 136.6256, 136.2219, 138.5684, 138.1812, 136.7223, 138.3828, 136.9066, 136.5086, 135.8686, 135.7556, 135.5023, 135.183, 135.8048, 135.1675, 134.2383, 133.0505, 133.9344, 132.4553, 131.4714, 134.5594, 134.0434, 132.7657, 133.5311, 130.4017, 130.3009, 129.8737, 130.7417, 131.6126, 131.4202, 130.5581, 127.6809 }; std::vector<double> latitudes{ 43.0642, 40.8244, 39.7036, 38.2682, 39.7186, 38.2404, 37.7503, 36.3418, 36.5658, 36.3911, 35.8569, 35.6051, 35.6895, 35.4475, 37.9026, 36.6953, 36.5944, 36.0652, 35.6642, 36.6513, 35.3912, 34.9756, 35.1802, 34.7303, 35.0045, 35.021, 34.6937, 34.6913, 34.6851, 34.226, 35.5036, 35.4723, 34.6618, 34.3853, 34.1858, 34.0658, 34.3402, 33.8416, 33.5597, 33.5902, 33.2635, 32.7448, 32.7898, 33.2382, 31.9077, 31.5602, 26.2124 }; std::vector<double> populations{ 5250, 1230, 1220, 2330, 970, 1070, 1840, 2860, 1940, 1930, 7330, 6290, 13960, 9200, 2200, 1040, 1140, 770, 810, 2030, 1970, 3630, 7550, 1790, 1410, 2580, 8820, 5450, 1310, 930, 550, 670, 1890, 2810, 1320, 720, 960, 1340, 690, 5100, 810, 1280, 1720, 1130, 1080, 1590, 1450 }; auto pop_size = populations | std::views::transform([](double x) { return x / 1000; }); namespace plot = adapt::plot; adapt::Canvas2D g("example_scatter.png"); g.SetXRange(128, 150); g.SetYRange(29, 46); g.SetSizeRatio(1); g.SetXLabel("longitude"); g.SetYLabel("latitude"); g.SetTitle("Japan population distribution"); // world_10m.txt can be downloaded from https://gnuplotting.org/plotting-the-world-revisited/ g.PlotPoints("PlotExamples/world_10m.txt", "1", "2", plot::notitle, plot::c_dark_gray, plot::s_lines). PlotPoints(longitudes, latitudes, plot::notitle, plot::s_points, plot::pt_fcir, plot::color_rgb = "0xAA6688FF", plot::variable_size = pop_size); return 0; }
例.2 関数、エラーバー
#include <random> #include <OpenADAPT/Plot/Canvas.h> int main() { std::string norm = std::to_string(250. / std::sqrt(2 * 3.1415926535)); std::string equation = norm + "*exp(-x*x/2)"; std::mt19937_64 mt(0); std::normal_distribution<> nd(0., 1.); std::vector<double> x1(32, 0); std::vector<double> y1(32, 0); std::vector<double> e1(32); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { double x = nd(mt); if (x < -4.0 || x >= 4.0) continue; ++y1[static_cast<size_t>(std::floor(x / 0.25) + 16)]; } for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { x1[i] = i * 0.25 - 4. + 0.125; e1[i] = std::sqrt(y1[i]); } namespace plot = adapt::plot; adapt::Canvas2D g("example_2d.png"); //g.ShowCommands(true); g.SetTitle("example\\_2d"); g.SetXRange(-4.0, 4.0); g.SetXLabel("x"); g.SetYLabel("y"); g.PlotPoints(equation, plot::title = "mu = 0, sigma = 1", plot::s_lines). PlotPoints(x1, y1, plot::xerrorbar = 0.125, plot::yerrorbar = e1, plot::title = "data", plot::c_black, plot::s_points, plot::pt_fcir, plot::ps_med_small); return 0; }
例.3 カラーマップ、ベクトル、等高線
#include <thread> #include <OpenADAPT/Plot/Canvas.h> double calc_r(double x, double y) { return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y); }; double potential(double x, double y) { double r1 = calc_r(x - 3, y); double r2 = calc_r(x + 3, y); if (r1 == 0.) r1 = 0.000001; if (r2 == 0.) r2 = 0.000001; double p1 = 1 / r1; double p2 = 3 / r2; return p1 - p2; }; double fieldx(double x, double y) { double f1 = (x - 3) / std::pow(calc_r(x - 3, y), 3); double f2 = 3 * (x + 3) / std::pow(calc_r(x + 3, y), 3); return f1 - f2; } double fieldy(double x, double y) { double f1 = y / std::pow(calc_r(x - 3, y), 3); double f2 = 3 * y / std::pow(calc_r(x + 3, y), 3); return f1 - f2; } int main() { adapt::Matrix<double> m(100, 100); std::pair<double, double> xrange = { -9.9, 9.9 }; std::pair<double, double> yrange = { -9.9, 9.9 }; for (int iy = -50; iy < 50; ++iy) { double y = iy * 0.2 + 0.1; for (int ix = -50; ix < 50; ++ix) { double x = ix * 0.2 + 0.1; m[ix + 50][iy + 50] = potential(x, y); } } std::vector<double> xfrom(441), yfrom(441), xlen(441), ylen(441); std::vector<double> arrowcolor(441); for (int iy = -10; iy <= 10; ++iy) { for (int ix = -10; ix <= 10; ++ix) { size_t jx = (ix + 10); size_t jy = (iy + 10); double xlen_ = fieldx(ix, iy); double ylen_ = fieldy(ix, iy); double len = std::sqrt(xlen_ * xlen_ + ylen_ * ylen_); xlen_ = xlen_ / len * 0.8; ylen_ = ylen_ / len * 0.8; xlen[jy * 21 + jx] = xlen_; ylen[jy * 21 + jx] = ylen_; xfrom[jy * 21 + jx] = ix - xlen_ / 2.; yfrom[jy * 21 + jx] = iy - ylen_ / 2.; arrowcolor[jy * 21 + jx] = potential(ix - xlen_ / 2., iy - ylen_ / 2.); } } namespace plot = adapt::plot; { std::string output_filename = "example_colormap.png"; adapt::MultiPlot multi(output_filename, 1, 2, 1200, 600); adapt::CanvasCM g1(output_filename + ".map_tmp"); g1.SetTitle("example\\_colormap"); g1.SetPaletteDefined({ {0, "yellow" }, { 4.5, "red" }, { 5., "black" }, { 5.5, "blue"}, { 10, "cyan" } }); g1.SetSizeRatio(-1); g1.SetXLabel("x"); g1.SetYLabel("y"); g1.SetXRange(-10, 10); g1.SetYRange(-10, 10); g1.SetCBRange(-5, 5); g1.PlotColormap(m, xrange, yrange, plot::notitle). PlotVectors(xfrom, yfrom, xlen, ylen, plot::notitle, plot::c_white); //sleep for a short time to avoid the output image broken by multiplot. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(300)); adapt::CanvasCM g2(output_filename + ".cntr_tmp"); g2.SetTitle("example\\_contour"); g2.SetPaletteDefined({ {0, "yellow" }, { 4.5, "red" }, { 5., "black" }, { 5.5, "blue"}, { 10, "cyan" } }); g2.SetSizeRatio(-1); g2.SetXLabel("x"); g2.SetYLabel("y"); g2.SetXRange(-10, 10); g2.SetYRange(-10, 10); g2.SetCBRange(-5, 5); g2.PlotColormap(m, xrange, yrange, plot::notitle, plot::with_contour, plot::without_surface, plot::variable_cntrcolor, plot::cntrlevels_incremental = { -20., 0.2, 20. }). PlotVectors(xfrom, yfrom, xlen, ylen, plot::notitle, plot::variable_color = arrowcolor); } return 0; }
例.4 日付ラベル、塗りつぶし
#include <ranges> #include <random> #include <ctime> #include <chrono> #include <OpenADAPT/Plot/Canvas.h> int GetTested(int d) { static std::random_device rd; static std::mt19937_64 mt(rd()); double a = d * d * 0.05; double b = a * std::pow((std::sin(2 * 3.141592 * d / 120) + 1) / 2, 3) + d; return b <= 0 ? 0 : std::poisson_distribution<>(b)(mt); } int GetPositive(int t) { static std::random_device rd; static std::mt19937_64 mt(rd()); return t == 0 ? 0 : std::binomial_distribution<>(t, 0.05)(mt); } std::pair<int, int> GetDate(int a) { static constexpr std::array<int, 12> x = { 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 }; int m = 0; int d = 0; int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if (a + 1 <= x[i]) { m = i + 1, d = a + 1 - p; break; }; p = x[i]; } return { m, d }; } struct Accumulator { int operator()(int t) const { return sum += t; } mutable int sum; }; int main() { std::vector<int> yr(366); std::iota(yr.begin(), yr.end(), 0); auto x = std::views::all(yr) | std::views::transform([](int a) { auto [m, d] = GetDate(a); return std::format("2020-{}-{}", m, d); }); auto y = std::views::all(yr) | std::views::transform([](int a) { return GetTested(a); }); auto y2 = y | std::views::transform([](int t) { return GetPositive(t); }); auto y3 = y | std::views::transform(Accumulator{}); auto y4 = y2 | std::views::transform(Accumulator{}); namespace plot = adapt::plot; adapt::Canvas2D g("example_datetime.png"); g.SetXTicsRotate(-45); g.SetTitle("example\\_datetime"); g.SetYLabel("per day"); g.SetY2Label("total"); g.SetKeyTopRight(); g.SetKeyOpaque(); g.SetKeyBox(); g.SetXDataTime("%Y-%m-%d"); g.SetFormatX("%02m/%02d"); g.PlotPoints(x, y, plot::title = "tested", plot::s_steps, plot::fillsolid = 0.5). PlotPoints(x, y2, plot::title = "positive", plot::s_steps, plot::fillsolid = 0.5). PlotLines(x, y3, plot::title = "tested\\_total", plot::ax_x1y2, plot::lw_ex_thick). PlotLines(x, y4, plot::title = "positive\\_total", plot::ax_x1y2, plot::lw_ex_thick); return 0; }
その他、当時は色々と拡張性を考慮して設けておいた機能のうち、ほとんど使わなかったものや、ADAPT本体と統合したことで不要になったものなども、切り捨てて整理しているところだ。いずれPythonバインディングを作ることを想定してType erased rangeみたいなものを設けるなど色々工夫していたが、実用していた4年あまりの間、有意義に働くことはほとんどなかった。